Relationships Education …

Today we started the second series of lunchtime groups for relationship education. These are designed to help students access relationship education in a more informal way than they would do otherwise. Some of the students will have specific learning needs which make classroom relationships and sexual education difficult to access. Each group receives three lunchtime sessions where they are encouraged to bring their lunch and are guided through discussions on topics ranging from relationships, to puberty, to sexual encounters. We try to ensure that there is at least two members of staff present and endeavour for them to be male and female. The students are often reluctant and apprehensive at first but quickly engage in the discussion their enthusiasm grows. They all seem happy to share questions and ideas which indicates the safety they find in the environment  and by the end of the sessions they express their gratitude.


I feel that the programme may need more than three sessions but the other commitments of the staff and pupils involved seem to make this impractical. There is also the challenge in knowing which students would best benefit form the programme without including too many students, and the challenge in knowing when in their school life is best for the pupils. Flexibility seems to have been the best way forward.